Dodgy Movie Shop

Since we live in close proximity to places that don’t care what they reproduce, all be it, labeled clothing, watches (I once bought a Rolex for the equivalent of $10 – it lasted 2 weeks), music, and movies…

And of course, the only movies you can buy in PNG, are dodgy ones out of China or some unscrupulous country that doesn’t give a shit. Most likely, these places pilfered them off Kim Dotcom and Megaupload, contributing to the formers demise at the hands of 60 police, 2 helicopters, a squad from the FBI, in his palatial NZ mansion.

– can you tell I think that was a waste of time?

So back to dodgy movies, yesterday we went to our favorite dodgy movie shop and came away with the following:

Twilight – Breaking Dawn
Transformers – Dark of the moon
Legend of the guardians, the owls of ga’hooli
Dragons – Gift of the night fury
The Three Musketeers
Sherlock Holmes – A game of shadows
Storm Wars
Hoodwinked Too – Hood vs Evil
Kung Fu Panda 2

Yes, when you see them… Buy them. They had just got new stock, so we did what is paramount to a small raid… lol

Last night, wife and myself sat down and watched Twilight – Breaking Dawn. Yes, it doesn’t do it for me, but I hold the wife’s hand when she cries….

It was extremely funny, not only was it a dodgy movie, it was the first one that we had bought from there that was a genuine screencam, with people getting up and down creating shadows. Hahaha. I haven’t seen a screencam in a few years, it brought back memories.
So, it was extremely bad quality, in another time or place – you would just turn it off. But in PNG – you watch.

– today, we were off to a Hangi at the High Commission for Waitangi Day, but cancelled due to the bad weather we are having here. The bad weather must have contributed to the terrible ferry disaster outside of Lae. Very sad – PNG is having a bloody rough time of late…

Right, off for another malaria injection in my ass, I can picture the nurse smiling already….